Web & Graphics Design MASTERY


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The expert in anything was once a beginner.

This course is my gift to the world. Over 7 Months worth of work and content creation to make sure what I know is shared with those who are ready to learn and most importantly earn from the comfort of their home. Its time to become smart entrepreneurs and strategic hustlers. Its time to work from home, on your computer, when you want and also build relationships with people overseas.

I started on my Grand Mother’s Dining table in 2013 and I have since gone ahead to make thousands of pounds (£) and dollars ($) for myself, I have invested some of my money in getting an MSc and also live in one of the most expensive cities in the world – London. You don’t have to spend your earnings on an MSc…you will decide what you want to do wit your money when you start to make it.

Who Is Daniel Damilola Nejo?

Daniel Damilola Nejo is a Nigerian born creative designer. A guy with a fun and witty personality and love for the hustle. I love creating content and information that I believe will be helpful to someone, somewhere in the world. I have always been an entrepreneur at heart, although from a midldleclass family – I sold firewood when I was a kid not because I was hungry but because I saw logs of wood lying on the floor with no use in my Father’s compound and decided to start a business selling it to people who actually needed it. Now, that is a long time ago.

My thirst for knowledge and exposure has brought me to London where I just rounded up my Masters in Business Information Systems Management. You will learn more about me in the course as I share more knowledge, tips and secrets with you.

Who Is This Course For?

The Puzzle Hustle is for anyone who wants to gain practical knowledge of creative design (Web Design, Graphics Design and other things in between), become a Freelancer who works from home, on their computer and gain skills that will enable begin to earn by providing Web and Graphics Design to businesses in their country and by following my blueprint, be able earn in Pounds (£)  and Dollars ($) by providing the same services to clients overseas. I have broken the course down in such a way that anyone who pays attention and follows my step will in no time begin to provide the same services I provide for my clients that has made me be self employed since I was 19, move to London, live a life free of 9-5 and also make crucial relationships with businesses and individuals around the world. Even though this course will be taken by individuals around the world, I created it as my gift to young people in developing countries such as Nigeria, Ghana Zimbabwe, Pakistan, India, Morocco and the rest of the world.

Course Features

  • Lectures 79
  • Quizzes 0
  • Duration 6 hours
  • Skill level All levels
  • Language English
  • Students 1989
  • Certificate No
  • Assessments Self
Daniel is a London based Creative Designer with over 5 years experience in the design and Tech field. Endorsed by the UK Government as "A World Leading Exceptional Talent" through Tech Nation, Daniel continues to be a thought leader and content creator in the Tech Scene within and outside London.
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